Air Power Air Compressors Guide

An air power air compressor is a versatile tool that has been used for many different applications. From heating gold and copper to cleaning debris in backyards and powering pneumatic tools, the air power compressors use different compression methods. However, they all use large amount of air to create kinetic energy. Since they can be used for various applications, there are different types of compressors available on the market. For completing your project easily and efficiently, you need to choose an air power air compressor with the right capacity and size. But choosing the right compressor for your applications can be a difficult task. You need to pay attention and to consider the compressor type, power level, suitable tank, and power source.

Compressor Type – Although there are many air power air compressors, they are most commonly divided into three categories: home, contractor and commercial. The compressors for home use are usually small, portable and not very powerful. They are most commonly used for powering pneumatic tools and for inflating bike and car tires. The air compressors for contractors are more powerful than the home compressors and offer greater portability. The third air power air compressor type is the commercial compressor. The commercial compressors are the largest and the most powerful compressors, but they are not portable. These are usually used in automotive shops, warehouses, industrial facilities, etc.

Power Level – When it comes to the power level, you need to pay attention on the following factors: horsepower, pressure and volume. The pressure is measured in pounds PSI, pounds per square inch, which means that if a compressor has a higher PSI level it is capable to store more air in the tank. The volume is measured in cubic feet per minute, or CFM, and this tells how much air the air power air compressor is capable to deliver at a certain PSI level. For more demanding tasks, you will need an air power air compressor with higher CFM level. The horsepower rating is also important because it usually indicates the PSI level. Higher horsepower – higher pressure.

Tank Size – Choosing the right tank size is very important also. If you choose a small tank, it will be easier to transport the air power air compressor, but avoid buying compressors with small tanks if you want to complete more demanding tasks. Specify for what applications you are going to use the compressor, in order to determine the right tank size.

Power Source – Electric or gasoline powered air power air compressor? The gasoline-powered air power compressors are not suitable for indoor use, while the electric compressors are not as powerful as the gasoline-powered models. Although not suitable for home (indoor) projects because of the fumes they emit, the gasoline powered air compressors are more powerful than the electric compressors.