Guide to a Balanced Sports Nutrition


Making a big life change is scary. But, you know what’s even scarier? Regret.”

I decided to start off with this quote because the first thing we usually get from others when trying to make a significant change in our lives is disbelief and sometimes even disapproval. However, this should not stop you from beginning your journey towards achieving better health and perfect body.

The first thing you ought to address is the daily intake of the essential nutrients your body craves. There is an endless array of online supplements Australia retailers offer, comprising various types of ingredients that can improve your performance as an athlete or turn you into a body-building machine, if that’s what you’re aiming for, of course.

If you do not get enough of the most basic nutrients responsible for muscle building and cell regeneration (carbohydrates and proteins), you won’t be able to reach your peak agility, even if you are the fastest man alive. As we could witness in the second episode of the popular American superhero series The Flash, the main character mysteriously fainted, proving that even superheroes have their limits, especially when it comes to low glucose levels. Apart from carbohydrates and proteins, athletes also need to pay close attention to their daily intake of fluids, minerals and vitamins.

Thus, we realize that the right diet for an athlete does not differ much from the diet recommended by nutritionists for any regular person. To perform better, simply avoid doing physical activities on an empty stomach. However, everybody has different metabolism and the amount of calories needed prior and after a workout can differ from person to person.


Carbohydrates come from bagels, pasta, rice and whole grain bread. Rich with fiber, minerals and vitamins, they have low fat value. Carbohydrates provide you with the needed energy during an exercise session. They are stored mostly in the liver and the muscles. After your workout is done, you will need to eat carbohydrates to rebuild your energy reserves in your muscles. If your exercise lasted longer than an hour, you should consume more carbohydrates since you have spent more energy. Online retailers offer different kinds of shakes that can provide you with the needed calories intake according to your weight, workout schedule and desired energetic value.


If you want your muscles to grow, protein is what you should aim for! However, beware of the common myth which says that a high-protein diet alone can help you achieve a Hulk-like figure. Your muscles will grow only if you combine protein intake with weight lifting. Every extra protein, if turned into exercising energy, will be stored as fat – as simple as that. If you consume too much, there is a chance that you will dehydrate your body and this can lead to loss of calcium, which will in turn damage the kidneys.


The good old H2O. The most important nutrient of them all. Always keep in mind that your body can produce several liters of sweat within an hour of high-tempo exercise. Clear urine is an awesome sign, that shows you that you have fully re-hydrated your body, so stick to this test and drink no less that 2 liters per day. Also, according to certain more strict regimes, for every kilogram you lose during training, you should drink three cups of fluid within the next six hours.

Finally, as I mentioned in the beginning, the most important instructor of them all is you alone and your will to remain consistent no matter what. Proper nutrition and exercise will get you a step closer to a prolonged lifetime of health and strength every time you exercise and eat well. Make best friends with some of the most prominent suppliers of online supplements Australia loves and build your way to perfection!