How to Select the Right Tree for Your Yard

Deciduous Trees

Choosing how to decorate your backyard so it satisfies both your desire for aesthetics and purpose, is a responsible task that asks for time and dedicated research and planning. There are trees that become better and more beautiful as time goes by, and then there are those that can cause only trouble in your yard. Having this in mind, the process of choosing starts with having a clear answer to a few simple questions such as – why do you want trees: for shadow, for intimacy, or for decoration?


Whichever the reason may be, there are few general facts you should know before you choose to plant them in your yard. For example, not all small trees are young trees. Some are small because of lack of vigor, which will be made obvious by the condition of the tree’s bark. Also, all deciduous trees can be divided into two groups depending on whether they do good in city atmosphere or are better in suburbian areas. City trees have a lot shorter lifespan than their respective counterparts.

So, how do you choose the right one for your backyard?

If you want more shade

If shade is your main goal, make sure you choose something with broad leaves so that when air passes through them, it’s cooled down. If you want a lighter shade, choose finer foliage. From the vast offer of trees, for this purpose you should choose trees that lose their leaves in fall and have bare branches so that sunlight can break through and heat your house. These are also known as energy-efficiency trees, and as such it’s best if you plant them in the south-west corner of the backyard. Popular examples are ash, beech, elm, forest eucalyptus linden, sycamore.

If colourful appeal is what you’re looking for

Appeal is a luxury you can afford if you have a large backyard where shade isn’t the biggest concern because you’ll have a patio which you’ll use for sitting and lounging. Appeal trees mainly have a large and a very luxurious crown with green leaves and flowers in colours, which is perfect for decorative purposes. These can be planted with a layout in mind as to reach a certain visually attractive scheme or as your eye finds it suitable. Here specimens like crabapple, dogwood, flowering cherry magnolia, redbud and willow can all find their place.

If you just need a decoration

I can’t think of anything more suitable to be a decorative element than the weeping mulberry. As the name suggests, this is the type of deciduous trees that look like it’s adly crying with its crown bent over. Its leaves have a lushly green colour, and the shape of its crown is perfect for placing it over a small pond if you have one in your yard. Besides the glossy leaves, this tree delivers fruits that ripe to a deep pink colour.

All in all, choosing a tree for your yard will be an easy task if you have already imagined how your yard should look and the purpose it should serve.