Why Natural Light Sources Matter For a Home: A Simple Guide

Usually, when it comes to lightning choices for our homes, we tend to rely on artificial sources and almost always forget that windows can be the best sources of light for a home because nothing stads the ghost of a chance as to compare with sunlight.

Before we go any further with lighting, let’s see the benefits of darkness. According to the American Medical Association, people who sleep in a less-than-dark room can face insomnia or other sleep disorders, weight gain and depression. This especially goes for children and adolescents who sleep in a room with a turned on TV or surrounded with electrical devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers.

Unfortunately, seems like everybody is doing it wrong. Playing video games, reading stuff on the net or watching a movie right before going to sleep can seriously damage your sleep schedule and that can lead to other more serious health problems. That’s why getting rid of anything electrical around your bed should be the first thing you do today. Now I know that most of us can’t sleep peacefully without having the phone alarm turned on, but you can turn off your phone’s internet and restrain yourself from using it just before going to bed.

Another really important thing to keep in mind are the outside lights. If your bedroom is close to a powerful light source from the street, you can’t go without a pair of visionwood venetian blinds , shades or dark curtains that will block any external light that may interrupt your night sleep. If however you can’t imagine sleeping in a completely dark room, you adjust the shades as to let a little bit of outside light into your bedroom.Visionwood Venetian Blinds1

Sleeping in darkness is a biological necessity, but just like your eyes expect darkness at night, they need sunlight during the day. Sun exposure provides a lot of health benefits and the most important of them all is giving your body the much needed daily dose of vitamin D. People who aren’t getting enough sunlight develop serious vitamin D deficiency and that usually happens because they tend to stay closed behind the visionwood venetian blinds, curtains or shades at work or at home and normally get out in the afternoon when the sun is already setting.

Now of course, all of these window treatments help increase privacy and keep your interior nice and fresh when the sun is too powerful, which means they are also really important, but do make sure you don’t use them as sunlight blockers when it’s a beautiful day outside. Th natural light form the sun will make you feel positive, more productive and it will provide your body with the necessary daily dose of vitamin D.