Simple Guide to Buying Control Cables


One of the most essential objects in our everyday lives are the cables. They are extremely helpful, yet we often times find them annoying. Luckily for us, the advancements in wireless technology make us see less and less cables around our homes as time goes by. However, this doesn’t mean that cables are going to go completely out of use any time soon. For instance, in the automotive industry, cables are still one of the key components.

For maintaining and building land, air and sea vehicles, the use of control cables Australia mechanics and vehicle designers suggest is not going to be replaced by any kind of wireless technology any time soon. Control cables regulate the automation and control process in cars, planes, bikes, boats, lawn mowers by acting as the signal carriers.

Being the fragile items they are, cables often times wear out during the automation process, so having to replace them is a common occurrence. When it comes to buying and using control cables, as a buyer, you should know that not all control cables can be used for every single application. You have to purchase the right type of control cables Australia wide, in order for the application it’s intended for to run properly.

Control cables are comprised of two components – the outer sheath that acts as a conduit, and the inner core that is the actual cable. The inner core has a termination on both ends which fit into the mechanisms that the control cable regulates. The conduit is comprised of parts known as wiper shields and a ferule which serve the purpose of protecting the inner core.

There are three basic types of control cables, all of which have different functions: screened flexible cables (CY), shielded flex cables (SY) and unshielded control cables (YY). All of these are a sub-category of instrumentation cables and have distinct functions and use. Shielded flexible cables are the toughest out of all types, and are capable of handling high levels of mechanical stress. Screen flex cables control transmit without any interference and offer protection from electromagnetic and magnetic stressors. Unshielded control cables are suitable for many conditions, however, they can’t withstand much mechanical stress.

In the automotive industry, different control cables have different functions in the vehicle and regulate different parts. Buyers who are capable of identifying a problem in a specific function can troubleshoot by checking the control cables which are associated with the particular vehicle function.