Simple Guide To Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing is the practice of sending mail pieces to a targeted list of people. It is a direct way of communicating with individuals and one of the most commonly used advertising channels used to promote goods and services. It is one of the most significant, influential and effective method for establishing, building and strengthening relationship with new and existing customers.

With direct mail marketing you create a very personal and persuasive methods of selling. You will be able to get to know your customers as individuals. Moreover, you will be able to understand their needs and interests. Here is a simple guide of what you need to know about direct mail marketing.

Set Your Objectives – Great direct mail campaign must be well planed. Set your objectives, define your target audience and list ways you can reach it. For example, what are your objectives? Do you want to sell products, promote services, generate leads, increase brand awareness or build loyalty and improve customer relationships? Commercial success is measured in numbers, thus it is very important to know the results you are trying to achieve.

Define You Target – Defining your target is just as important as knowing your objectives. Is your goal to reach individuals or maybe you are targeting organizations like businesses, government departments, etc. First know whom your product or service would appeal the most and get detailed information on your target audience. This will allow you to create a more relevant direct mail pieces, thus achieve better results.

Find Your Target – A database can provide you with important information that will increase the effectiveness of your direct mail marketing. A database, apart from just a simple name and address, should also contain pieces of information that will help you target the right group of customers. It can be customized to your needs and is for sure the most important component of the process.

Design Your Direct Mail Piece – Design of your mail pieces is also important. Key points should be considered, such as the proposition, the message, pricing and offers, encouraging responses and budgeting. Decide which elements will work most effectively. Also, decide on the packaging and format – envelopes, teaser line examples, letters, brochures, etc.

Work With Professional Direct Mail Services If your marketing plan is very simple, for example sending out letters to small number of existing costumers, then you should be able to manage the direct mail campaign yourself. However, if you are planning a more extensive campaign, you should use professional direct mail services to help you achieve better results.

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