Beyond the Timeless 501: A Simple Guide to Finding the Perfect Pair of Levi’s Jeans

levi jeans

You can’t possibly argue with the fact that jeans have become a much-adored clothing item in the world of fashion. If you take into account how changeable and fickle trends can be, casual jeans have truly managed to stand the test of time as they continue to slither their way into every dresser around the world. We’re definitely not complaining though since they’re appropriate for a variety of occasions. Whether you’re looking to spice up your casual outfit or inject the right dose of western vibe to your look, you’ll instinctively reach out to your favourite pair of jeans.

With that said, there’s a vast pool of cuts and styles you’ll come across while browsing through shops. Some might see this as an exciting challenge while others are overwhelmed with anxiety at the daunting prospect. Either way, finding the right pair of jeans is a form of art that not everyone has the privilege to master, which is why we’re here to stir you in the right direction. So lo and behold, we’re offering you our humble suggestion – trying out a few pairs of iconic Levi jeans to see how they suit your taste.

Jeans perfect pair
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How Do You Choose the Right Type of Levi’s Jeans?

It’s quite easy really, once you know what to look for. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps that will help you choose among the plethora of jeans Levi supporters love.

Look for a Good Fit

Type of levis jeans
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By this, we mean finding a pair of jeans that makes you feel both comfortable and confident at the same time. Luckily, Levi’s has an enviable collection with a multitude of designs – ranging from classic skinny jeans to loose straight leg models to playful boot cut pants. There’s certainly something in it for everyone, whether you’re a fan of skin-tight or classic fit jeans.

Know Your Body Type

Body type
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We get it, you want to stay up-to-date with all the latest trends but sometimes that’s just not the best idea. Instead, you should focus on getting a pair that suits your body shape and highlights your best features. Regardless of whether you’re pear-shaped, have an hourglass figure or you’re just not as curvy, wearing the proper pair of jeans will bring out all of your best features.

Decide on the Fabric

Cotton is the main preference when it comes to Levi jeans due to their lightweight and breathable design. Plus, it’s super soft and cosy so it’ll easily adapt to your body shape without feeling uncomfortable. The fabric is meticulously and intricately woven together to create a sturdy exterior that won’t break in, despite the everyday wear and tear.

Decide the fabric
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Another common fabric used is elastine, also known as spandex. It’s supposed to make your jeans extra stretchy so that you don’t have to tug at them all day. Don’t worry though, there are varying levels of stretchiness so you’re sure to find something that suits your preferences.

Match the Colours to the Outfit

Match the Colours
Source: Instagram

Seeing as jeans are at the centre of every look, you should pay very close attention to how you style them. Luckily, this brand has a whole bunch of shades available, starting from black and dark blue all the way through to a few lighter colours such as faded blue or beige. You know what they say, you can never go wrong with black but there’s no harm done in experimenting with all the other jeans Levi fans are eager to buy. Who knows, you might actually find something you like in the process.

Choose the Right Shoes

Pairing your jeans with the appropriate kind of footwear can truly make or break your whole look. This is why it’s absolutely crucial that you get a pair of stylish and comfy shoes to boost your aesthetic appeal and keep your feet happy at the same time. Two birds with one stone.

But see, this opens up a whole new can of worms here. Obviously, shoes come in a myriad of designs and styles so there’s quite a bit of thinking to be done here too. If you want to stick to a casual and laid-back look, then flats are your new best friend. Most of them even offer orthopaedic support for extra convenience which is definitely a bonus if you move around or stand a lot during the day. Your feet need all the help they can get in cases like that.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something on the more elegant side of the spectrum, then you can definitely pair your jeans with high heels. It’s a great way to add a bit of sophistication to your outfit which will undoubtedly upgrade your style game. You’ll definitely stand out from the crowd with this modern, drop-dead gorgeous ensemble.

In any case, whichever type you decide to pair your jeans with, you need to make sure they fit and don’t cause any discomfort. Make sure you try on a few different pairs of comfy shoes to make sure they’re the right match for your foot shape. A general rule of thumb is to go shopping towards the end of the day since your feet will be a bit swollen from all of your earlier endeavours. In this way, you’ll know what the shoes will feel like when you wear them for longer periods of time.