Period Cramps: An Easy Guide to Cope with Menstrual Pain


The monthly menstrual cycle is generally accompanied by bloating, cramps, pain, irritability and similar symptoms that can make it quite difficult to carry on with your daily errands. Some women only experience mild cramping, but some can have more severe and even debilitating pain. While some discomfort is to be expected with periods, this can also imply a problem that requires medical attention. So, it’s important to know the difference between what is normal and what is not.

What Causes Menstrual Cramps?

Menstrual cramps are nothing more than uterine contractions that occur just before and during your period in order to shed the uterine lining. These contractions can be very painful for some women, though the pain typically only lasts a day or two and is usually mild for the majority of women.

There are various factors that can contribute to a person experiencing painful period cramps. They include a family history of menstrual pain, having heavy periods, being under the age of 30, starting puberty early, having irregular periods and smoking. But period pain can also be caused by an underlying medical condition such as fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and adenomyosis.

If you experience sharp pain or a dull ache in your lower abdomen that lasts just for the first 1 or 2 days of your period, it’s probably normal. However, if your pain lasts for longer than 2 days and doesn’t go away even when you take period pain medication, consider seeing your physician to find out the possible causes of your intense period pain.


What Helps Relieve Menstrual Cramps?

There is a number of things that you can try to help soothe menstrual discomfort. Here are some of them.

Period Relief Tablets
When it comes to how to get instant relief from period pain, period pain relief tablets are the way to go. Anti-inflammatory tablets like ibuprofen or naproxen stop the body from producing prostaglandins. These period relief tablets are available over the counter in most pharmacies online and in brick and mortar stores. However, they may not be suitable for everyone.

Ibuprofen can be effective at improving your menstrual pain. However, if you have kidney problems or have a particularly sensitive stomach, it may not be the best option for you. Keep in mind to always take ibuprofen with food to prevent any issue. Naproxen is another effective period relief option. Due to its ability to provide some great relief that’s longer-lasting than other over-the-counter tablets, it’s particularly helpful for cramps that last all day.

Another common medication for period cramps you’ll find is NSAIDs. Some experts say these period relief tablets are one of the best defences against painful cramps. They provide relief by chilling out the nerve ending that process pain. NSAIDs contain ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib and aspirin. They don’t include multiple symptom medications like Midol, DayQuil and Excedrin. Paracetamol is another good option for mild cramps. Stronger period pain tablets generally contain codeine and are only available with a prescription from a doctor.


To help manage period cramps in the long term, some doctors prescribe the combined oral contraceptive pill or another hormonal form of contraception such as an implant, vaginal ring or hormone-releasing ultra-uterine device. These methods reduce the number of prostaglandins released during your period, making your period lighter.

No matter what kind of medication you choose, make sure you pay attention to the ingredients in them. Otherwise, in case you have side effects, you won’t be able to know what caused them. And if you feel better, you’ll want to know what helped.

Exercise and Stretch

Exercise may be the last thing you want to do when you’re suffering from cramps. However, exercise can be very helpful in reducing pain and relieving the muscle tension that contributes to cramps. Plus, when you exercise, you get endorphins, which are hormones that help boost your mood and decrease your perception of pain.


You don’t need to do an intense workout to enjoy the benefits of exercise – a simple walk around the neighbourhood, yoga session or stretching exercises can all help ease the pain. Rember to stay hydrated during your exercising. Dehydration can make your menstruation cramps worse, so ensure you drink plenty of water not only when exercising but also throughout the day.

Essential Oils

That essential oils are helpful for fighting flu, that you probably know. You may not know that is essential oil is also an effective remedy that can help you get relief from menstrual cramps. You can use it to massage your lower belly, inhale it or put it in your bath water and soak yourself in it. Great options to consider include lavender, cinnamon and clary sage.

The lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce period cramp and menstrual bleeding. It acts by soothing the prostaglandins that mediate pain and uterine contractions. The contract and expand movements that your uterus does to push its inner lining out through your vagina causes swelling and inflammation in the surrounding blood vessels. Lavender essential oils help to relax your muscles.

Cinnamon is another effective essential oil at reducing uterine contraction. Take a few drops of this oil in your palm and rub it in your lower abdomen. This will help lessen the pain and reduce inflammation.


Clary sage essential oil contains an excellent antispasmodic agent that helps reduce pay by relieving spasm of involuntary muscle. It also helps to balance hormone levels in the body, reducing PMS symptoms like bloating, mood swings and food cravings.

Keep in mind that to be able to enjoy the benefits of essential oils, you need to make sure you only buy essential oils certified organic products. That is because many essential oils on the market are heavily contained or adultered with synthetic chemicals. When you buy essential oils certified organic products, you are getting something that is completely natural and safe. Organic, pure essential oils allow you to enjoy the full benefits that nature has to offer. They can empower, support and revive you.

In order to ensure the quality of the essential oils you are buying, make sure they are sustainable and responsibly sourced, are extensively tested and provide usage information.