Health & Beauty


Guide to Improved Sleep: Tips to Get Better Shut-Eye

Getting a proper night’s rest is essential for human beings. We need it so we can function right during the day. If we don’t get enough sleep, we’re irritable, we can’t focus, and we experience mood changes and memory loss. There are other more serious problems related to sleep deprivation, such as high blood pressure, weight gain, weak immunity, the risk for diabetes and heart diseases, etc. Read More →


Makeup Guide: How to Create the Perfect Pout

Sometimes we can spend hours blending out our foundation and mastering the perfect dewy highlight to create a flawless look. If you’re a dancer, you surely know the importance of a flawless makeup on stage. And according to many makeup artists, prepping your skin correctly is the solution when it comes to applying your makeup.

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Mental Health Guide: Relieve Stress with Rescue Remedy Spray

What Are Bach Flower Remedies?

Bach flower remedies are a complementary treatment used for stress and emotional problems. These remedies have been created by Edward Bach, a medical doctor and homeopath, and have been around for close to a hundred years. In addition, homeopathy is the belief that the body can cure itself. Bach’s idea is similar to homeopathy, but these flower essences don’t work directly on physical symptoms, but rather on the emotions. Bach flower essences are small amounts of natural substances like plants and minerals which are used to treat the body and mind. His system contains 38 remedies and different flower essences have a different purpose. Additionally, there is a combination remedy that contains a few different flowers. The most popular out of all Bach remedies is the Rescue Remedy spray. Read More →

A Simple Guide to Staying Hydrated During Exercising

Staying hydrated is vital for our health. When we are active, like during exercising, hydrating is even more important. During workouts, your body maintains optimal temperature by sweating, which means that it’s losing fluid, or simply put – dehydration. That being said, here’s how to hydrate properly during your workouts.

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A Simple Guide to Choosing a Healthy & Natural Sweetener

White sugar isn’t healthy, and everyone knows that. You don’t have to be a diabetic to avoid it. Of course, there are some foods and drinks that simply taste terrible if they aren’t sweetened, so you have to find a healthier substitute for sugar. Healthy natural sweeteners are ideal if you’re trying to manage diabetes, keep your body in good shape, but also clear your skin, protect your teeth, and boost your immunity.

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A Simple Guide to Using Essential Oils to Fight the Flu

When it comes to essential oils, we instantly associate them with aromatherapy and relaxation. This kind of therapy is one of the most commonly used in spas because it’s been proven to be great in reducing stress and anxiety and calming the mind. And luckily today, you don’t need to go to the spa to enjoy the restorative effects of aromatherapy. With the help of a diffuser and the right type of essential oils, you’ll be able to give yourself the needed time of relaxation without leaving the comfort of your bedroom. Read More →

cute girl using Moisturizer skin care

Simple Guide to Choosing the Best Cleanser for Your Skin Type

The key to having the perfect skin lies in finding the right cleanser for your skin type. You need a product that will remove dirt and grit from your skin while still maintaining its protective barrier. The right skin cleanser is packed with antioxidants and enzymes that hydrate your skin and protect it from free-radicals. Read More →

how to cut down on sugar

A Simple Guide to Help You Cut Down on Sugar

It’s no secret that sugar is bad for our health, and yet, it’s not so easy for some of us to give it up just like that. The problem with foods and drinks with too much added sugar (not the naturally occurring sugar in fruits and dairy) is that while they’re highly caloric they don’t have nutritional value. Translation: it isn’t a lasting source of energy.

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pharmacy finding constipation medicine

Your Simple Guide to Finding the Best Medicine for Constipation

Do you often feel bloated and uncomfortable? Do you feel like you don’t defecate as much as you should? Don’t be embarrassed. There are plenty of people who deal with constipation on a regular basis. Women are usually the most frequent constipation suffers which may be a result of the slower movement of food through a woman’s intestines, as well as the effects of female hormones on the Gl tract. If you are constipated, it’s usually because there is not enough water in your stool, which is an issue that happens when you don’t drink enough fluids. For those who are not sure, constipation is a condition that causes one to less than three bowel movements on a weekly basis. Also, the feces are small, dry and hard, making them painful and difficult to pass. Read More →

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